I Am Reunited With My Cat

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Long time no blog, on the old blogspot.

I got my cat back. My parents flew her up last week and she's been settling in just fine. She spends most of her time in the cupboard or on my bed, but the last few days she's been venturing out to the loungeroom and the great outdoors.

She approaches each new situation with trepidation ( much like me). She quickly found her safe zones and is little by little expanding her horizons.

I feel like such a great metaphor must be really significant.

I did fall off the wagon with almost everything I had been doing, but now when I see her little neurotic face a sense of normalcy washes over me.

I've started up so many blogs in so many places, but I have no routine.

Maybe I could write myself out a little roster and try to stick to it. I have a terrible habit of just waiting around for inspiration to hit me. I need to read news more often so I can write news.

I need to see a physio, get a gym program (possibly aquatics), see a counselor, get out of this agonising back pain, get back into taking Tony Ferguson seriously, have a bedtime, start my next course, and really start churning out these blogs.

Im half considering making an effort with Helium again.

But thats me, I always have such big plans and then I overdo it.

No more over-reaching. Patience my friend. Listen to your cat.